October 21, 2010

The sound of rain; the silence of snow

YEP....today I saw the first snowfall of the season! It only lasted about 5 minutes, but there is supposed to be some more tonight.
It has been raining, non-stop for the past two days...the sound of rain was lovely yesterday when I was stuck in bed trying to rest and get over some sickness. Today, however, being at school, and still being a little sick, was not the best day for dreariness and indoor recess:). However, I survived, and as I was going to a friend's house after school to tutor her son, it started snowing. In one brief, tiny moment, the patter of the rain disappeared; the rhythm of the rain was silenced....by snow. It was lovely! It was magical :)! And now i'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop, not drinking coffee, but some hot chocolate, listening to instrumental music through my head phones. Sigh.....a lovely end to a day, don't you think?

Tomorrow is the last day of term #1 at KIS! Then a week of fall break!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! Even thought my fall break will be filled with planning for next term, writing narrative reports, and moving my classroom for the third time....I'm still very much looking forward to it. Tomorrow is also Halloween dress up day. So there will be plenty of pictures to be posted soon!

One term down, 3 more to go:). I'm thanking God for how far He has brought me in the past year!!!

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