September 5, 2011

Rainy Labor Day

Ah...If only we could have labor day weekends every weekend:). My weekend has been great! I spent a lot of time with my sister and we had some great time together!!! I came home from work on Friday to see that my sister had rearranged my room! It looks fabulous. We then went to a couple places, got some inspiration, and hit up Hobby Lobby:). We spent the rest of the weekend painting canvases, watching movies, and eating some gluten free food! So now my room looks like I live in it....and I have a comfortable haven to come home to at the end of the day with everything in it's place:)!

I am so thankful for this weekend of rest and refreshment. I love that's it's been rainy and cozy for the past two days! I got to have some great time on the couch with the two books I'm reading right now, "One Thousand Gifts" and "Let me be a Woman". Had some great time to do some journaling and praying! good:). So, I feel refreshed and ready to start this next week.
Here are some pics of the newly rearranged room:)


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