May 22, 2010 strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord

Well...I finally caved and decided to start writing my own blog. I have lots of big decisions coming up soon and perhaps several changes as well. Therefore, instead of sending out newsletter after newsletter, I'm hoping I can send out updates through blog posts :).
For a general update, I have just graduated from the University of South Alabama with a degree in Elementary Education. I'm living in Birmingham praying and waiting for God to guide me to where he wants me. I have several different opportunities, very exciting and frightening opportunities. I am praying that the Lord will guide me through opening and closing doors, and through giving me overwhelming, unexplainable peace. I have complete confidence that He will do that. So, for now, I am waiting. Patiently and prayerfully waiting.

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him..." Psalm 37:7

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah! a blog! nice. I will be following. I'm looking for a job at the moment too so I know how that feels...
